Maxilock Bedfastening System

Bed Fastening Brackets

There has never been a simpler or more effective way to attach side rails to new timber beds and is an excellent choice to replace any problem-causing bed brackets. The Maxilock system can be used many times over, so you can dismantle and reassemble your bed with confidence.

M118 Maxilock Bed Bracket
Maxilock M85 Bed Bracket


The Maxilock is available in 2 sizes:

  • M85    - 85mm suitable for 90mm timber rails; and
  • M118 - 118mm suitable for rails 120mm and over.


Each Set Comprises:
4 x small threaded bed post brackets
4 x large side rail brackets
8 x 6mm high tensile steel bolts
1 x Hex Key

M85 Bracket in open stage:
Open Bracket
M85 Bracket Fitted:
Fitted Bracket

How to Install the Maxilock Bed Fastener Brackets

Maxilock has 2 components (for each joint or corner):

  • The smaller threaded piece is fitted on the Bed head and foot end posts; and

  • the larger piece on the ends of the timber side rails using the appropriate size timber screws to suit the thickness of your timber.

Once the brackets are screwed in place, the side rail bracket will fit over the bedhead bracket, insert the 6mm high tensile steel bolts through the side rail bracket into the threaded bed post bracket and tighten each bolt with the hex key provided.



How to Install the Maxilock Bed Fastener Brackets


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